Before buying a powerful air conditioner, consider this strange fact

 If you want to cool down and see the benefits of strong summer and fall air conditioners, go to the right place Ac installation in Dubai services, AC repair in Dubai services if you are looking for advice on buying air conditioners and portable air conditioners before buying. This small article will surprise you and reveal an interesting fact that buying a strong air conditioner, especially a strong air conditioner, or a cheap portable air conditioner can be a waste. So read carefully.

Strong air conditioners are common

Strong air conditioners are relatively easy to install, air conditioners, perforated wall air conditioners, or a large number of window surfaces are not required, so they are becoming more and more popular. Materials needed for window air conditioning.

Powerful air conditioning helps students in their dormitories, people with disabilities in renovating their home infrastructure, and homeowners use the home-based central air conditioning system. I will help you. Of course, even if the central air conditioner works, you will want to save extra costs by choosing and cooling the air like a day room.

Strange facts - some powerful AC units come with a hose!

Needless to say, the hose works to remove hot air from the device to the window. There is framing. Strong AC device manufacturers rarely shout, and one hose is missing. You will need an inlet hose and an outlet hose. Both extend to the window and illuminate the outside air. why?

Why not Khartoum?

Imagine that a hose from a window shakes very hot air. Yes, yes, you can get the cooling effect at the other end of the air conditioner. But if your room never runs out of air, where does the hot air come from the windows? The answer to this question is very simple, it is outside the room. It comes from outside the room, cracks in the windows and doors, canals, and outside the room. Also, when you try to cool down your room, the air coming in will be very hot. So what happens in a single portable air conditioner is that the new heat exchanger from the outside is always cooling. Not very effective. It can be compared to a powerful dual hose air conditioner.

Why Strong Double Hose Air Conditioners Are Best

With a two-hose portable air conditioner, figuratively speaking, the air is completely circulating outside the house. The relatively hot air starts from the outside and reaches the transfer air conditioner through the intake hose, where it absorbs some of the heat and eventually vents out through the other hose. The main difference from a single hose system is that the air in the room is the same, no need to ask externally. Therefore, to close the outdoor air supply chamber, it is necessary to use two hoses to always cool the same air in the room. Therefore, the same air can be cooled faster and at lower temperatures, and the incoming air must be constantly cooled.

You can compare a strong air conditioner with a hose under a car window. This is a very good analogy. Alternatively, you can compare a dual-hose portable air conditioner with round windows to a car air conditioner.


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